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Junior 16 Squad


10 to 16

Here at BTC we have a dedicated Junior 16 squad who train weekly on a Wednesday and Saturday. The squad have fantastic facilities for example the stabilized sculls they get to sometimes borrow from Southampton water sports. The squad get to try out a range of boats including sculls, double sculls, River quads, coastal fours and even eights! Every session they  have a coach and a launch out with them to help improve their technique and to help them if they get into any difficulty. The squad are a friendly team and even get to race at specific regattas. Its a great place to meet new friends and to socialize with other people.Even if you don't think rowing is your thing you could always have a go at being coxswain who gets to steer the boat. So if you want to come down and have a go or find out more information, feel free to pop in on a Wednesday or Sunday and speak to head of the Junior squad Max Maxwell.  We look forward to seeing you!

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